One Water: Glossary

A list of often difficult or specialized words with their definitions.
image Glossary Definition

There are two types of Nutrients:
  1. Macronutrients
  2. Micronutrients
Macronutrients enter our body in the form of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. They are the fuelling nutrients in our body, giving us energy and helping our bodies grow. Micronutrients come in the form of minerals and nutrients. Our bodies need smaller doses of micronutrients but they are vital in the body. Although they themselves don’t give the body energy, they help the body process macro-nutrients.
All minerals are solid, naturally formed and have their own unique chemical compositions. There are over 4,000 minerals on Earth. They come from the soil and water and help the body to build strong teeth and bones. They controls the level of fluids inside and outside ours cells and also help us to turn food into energy. A couple of essential minerals that our bodies need are calcium and iron. But the body actually uses a whole array of different types of minerals that it uses to help the body function at optimal levels.
Vitamins are organic substances made by animals or plants. They come in two different forms: Fat-soluble vitamins that are stored in our fat so that the body can access them whenever it needs them. And water-soluble vitamins that absorb into the bloodstream sending them all over the body for immediate use. Any excess water-soluble vitamins gets passed out in the form of urine.
Trace elements are another important nutrient that the body needs to function properly. They are absorbed in much smaller amounts than vitamins or minerals but are essential for organisms physiological and biochemical function. They can be found in a variety of foods like vegetables, nuts, fish, cereal, meat and all dairy products. A couple of examples of trace elements are iodine and fluoride.
A subterranean water source is a naturally occurring water reservoir that has accumulated deep below the Earth’s surface. Water that collects in these underground aquifers - pools beneath the Earth - usually originates from rainfall that has seeped hundreds of meters from the Earth. Water from these underground reservoirs have been filtered and enriched by soil and rocks and often contain high mineral content.
Rainforests differ to other forest around the world in that they are located in warm, tropical areas and grow in climates with regular rainfall. They are evergreen forests, most of which are thousands of years old. Due to their warm, wet and dense ecosystems, these forests are teeming with life. They carry thousands of different plant and animal species, most of which haven’t even been discovered yet. The soil beneath these canopies is rich and constantly renewed with fresh layers of fallen plants and animals, enriching the soil with an abundance of vitamins and nutrients.

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